

Mountain Laurel Trout Unlimited offers a seasonal newsletter, highlighting events, projects, and recreational opportunities to its members. Interested in participating in river stocking and waterway cleanup efforts? Maybe you would like to attend events such as the annual banquet or the free family event, "Nature Works." Perhaps you're just looking for the best place to reel in that prize Trout.

Subscribe to our newsletter, the Flyline, and get connected today!



Flyline Winter 2024
Flyline Spring 2024
Flyline Summer 2024
Flyline Spring 2023
Flyline Summer 2023
Flyline Winter 2023
Flyline Fall 2023
Flyline Fall 2022
Flyline Spring 2022
Flyline Summer 2022
Flyline Winter 2022
Flyline Fall 2021
Flyline Spring 2021
Flyline Summer 2021
Flyline Winter 2021
Flyline Fall 2020
Flyline Spring 2020
Flyline Summer 2020
Flyline Winter 2020
Flyline Fall 2019
Flyline Spring 2019
Flyline Summer 2019
Flyline Winter 2019
Flyline Spring 2018
Flyline Fall 2017